We at Woodlake Baptist are people, just like you. We work, have families and have to deal with all of the same issues you do. Being a Christian doesn’t make you perfect, it means you’re forgiven. It also doesn’t mean you won’t have difficulties. It means you won’t have to face those problems alone.
We encourage each other to try and live our lives according to the teachings of the Bible and the example that Jesus Christ gave us, but we all make mistakes. That doesn’t mean we are no longer a Christian or that we should beat ourselves up over it. Christ offers forgiveness everyday, every time!
We support one another in love and help each other through the “rough spots”. We encourage Bible Study and prayer as part of our daily lives so that we may grow in faith and understanding.
We are Southern Baptists because Southern Baptists believe what we understand the Bible to be teaching. We cooperate on a voluntary basis with the San Antonio Baptist Association, The Baptist General Convention of Texas and the Southern Baptist Convention. We are neither owned nor are we a franchise of any of the three. As long as these bodies hold to Biblical truth, we will work with them cooperatively.
To understand more about What We Believe, click on the link provided. There is also a link to What We Practice, how we translate what we believe into action. If you are interested in becoming a member of Woodlake Baptist Church and have questions, visit our Church Membership page for answers to frequently asked questions. If you would like a more detailed listing of what we believe with scriptural reference, please refer to the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message link.
If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior, please take a moment and visit the Become a Christian page. It explains why becoming a Christian is important and how to become a Christian.