1. What are the requirements for becoming a member of Woodlake Baptist Church?
Personal faith in Jesus Christ.
(What does that mean? Check the Become A Christian link.)
2. What are the steps I need to take? How do I go about becoming a member?
Candidates for membership may be received at any service in one of the following ways:
a. By public profession of faith and for baptism.
b. By letter of membership or promise of letter of membership from a Baptist church
or a church of like faith or order.
c. By statement of faith or believers baptism.
3. What if I’m not sure yet? How can I get my questions and concerns answered?
You may schedule a meeting with the pastor or any staff member by calling the church at (210) 661-5415 or send an email to wbcsatx@gmail.com or use the Contact Us link. If you contact us by email, please include contact information.
4. What do you teach about baptism? Would I have to be baptized again in order to be a member here?
Baptism is a “promise made to God from a good conscience” (1 Peter 3:21). We urge all believers to be baptized (immersed) as a public demonstration of their desire to put their faith in Jesus. Those who have already been baptized (by immersion) before coming to Woodlake Baptist as described above (not as a part of salvation) don’t need to be baptized again. For those who are not, we’d consider it a privilege to be a part of this important step. The pastor has a class for all baptism candidates.
5. How can I get involved in the ministries of Woodlake Baptist Church?
a. Join one of our Sunday School (Bible Study) classes that meet each Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. These small groups provide opportunity for worship and fellowship in an atmosphere where you may easily get to know other members.
b. Read the weekly Praise and Worship bulletin to find out the different activities of the church.
c. Attend a ministry meeting such as the Women’s or Men’s ministries, look for opportunities of service in our Music & Worship Ministry or Children’s area.
6. Can nonmembers attend Sunday School or other meetings?
Most definitely. The only meetings a nonmember could not attend would be committee meetings and they would not be allowed to vote at a business meeting.
7. Can I participate in the Lord’s Supper Service even though I am not a member?
Yes. Anyone who is a committed believer in Christ can join us in celebrating the Lord’s Supper.
8. Is it possible to get a CD or DVD of the Sunday Sermon?
Yes, please let our Minister of Music & Worship, Bro. Chuck Philips know you would like a copy or you may email us at wbcsatx@gmail.com or use the Contact Us link.