Our Discipleship Training program has a something for everyone, whether you are a new or young Christian or someone who has been a Christian for many years. We are excited about our New Believer’s Assurance Class which provides the answers to many questions Christians have.
For those who are ready, we offer the 2:7 Series, a three-book series that helps Christians grow in their faith. Please take a moment and read about these wonderful classes and consider joining us! If you are interested or have any questions, you should contact our Church Office at wbcsatx@gmail.com.
“2:7 Series”
Currently our Discipleship Training program involves a three-book series entitled, “2:7 Series.” Registration will begin soon for book one, “Growing Strong in God’s Family.” Anyone interested should contact our Church Office at wbcsatx@gmail.com.
What is the significance of the name The 2:7 Series? The name is based on the Scripture reference Colossians 2:7—the statement of the Apostle Paul to a New Testament church: “Rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” What the Holy Spirit expresses through Paul in this passage clearly defines the specific goals of this training:
1. For a Christian to become built up in Christ and strengthened (or established) in his or her faith. This series of courses includes instruction in practical Bible study techniques, Scripture memory skills, how to have an exciting devotional life, and how to be more effective in evangelism.
2. For a Christian to learn to overflow with gratitude in everyday life. The series will help an individual learn to experience and enjoy a stable and consistent Christian walk.
3. For a Christian to be taught (or instructed). This implies that training needs to take place before believers develop into a follower of Christ whose life can significantly impact in the lives of people around them.
The three books are designed to be completed in sequence. Book 2 builds on the work done in book 1, and book 3 builds on what your group has accomplished in the first two books. You will enjoy each book’s biblical and practical approach to discipleship. As many others have, those of you who participate in a 2:7 group can expect to experience positive life changes as you study and apply this time-proven material.
For more information please email us at wbcsatx@gmail.com.